No 38 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 22 Ascension

size(cm): 50x50
Sale price5,961.00TL


The painting No. 38 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 22. Ascension by Giotto Di Bondone is a masterpiece of Renaissance art depicting the ascension of Jesus into heaven. This painting is one of 38 that make up the cycle of frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Italy.

Giotto's artistic style is characterized by its realism and its ability to depict human emotion. In this work, you can see the expression of wonder and admiration on the faces of the apostles as they watch the ascension of Jesus. The composition of the painting is very dynamic, with the figure of Jesus in the center, surrounded by the apostles and angels who accompany him on his ascent to heaven.

The use of color in this painting is very interesting, as Giotto uses a limited palette of earth tones and grays to create a sober and contemplative atmosphere. However, the figure of Jesus is surrounded by a golden light that symbolizes his divinity and makes him stand out in the composition.

The history of this painting is fascinating, as it was created in the 14th century for the Scrovegni Chapel, which was built by the wealthy banker Enrico Scrovegni as an act of atonement for his family's sins. The fresco cycle was one of the most important works of the time and had a great impact on art history.

A little known aspect of this painting is that Giotto used real models to represent the characters in the composition. It is said that some of the apostles were portraits of people that Giotto knew in his daily life, which gave the work greater realism.

In summary, the painting No. 38 Scenes from the Life of Christ: 22. Ascension by Giotto Di Bondone is a masterpiece of Renaissance art that stands out for its realism, dynamic composition, and use of color. In addition, its history and the little-known aspects of its creation make it a fascinating work for art lovers.

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