Mary Magdalene Baroncelli

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price4,716.00TL


The painting Maria Maddalena Baroncelli by Hans Memling is a masterpiece of Renaissance art. With an original size of 44 x 34 cm, this work presents a fascinating composition that combines the technique of realism with the idealized beauty of the human figure.

Memling's artistic style is characterized by the use of light and shadow to create a sense of depth and realism in his works. In the painting by Maria Maddalena Baroncelli, the artist applies this technique with great mastery, creating a human figure that seems to be in motion and that stands out from the dark background.

Color also plays an important role in Memling's work. In this painting, the artist uses a palette of soft and delicate colors that accentuate the beauty and elegance of Maddalena's figure. The gold and silver tones found in the figure's clothing and jewelry also add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the work.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Maria Maddalena Baroncelli was a Florentine noblewoman who married a merchant from Bruges, where she met Memling. The painting was commissioned by the Baroncelli family as a devotional portrait of Maddalena, who became an important figure in the Catholic Church after her death.

Despite being a well-known work, there are little-known aspects of the painting. For example, the figure of Maddalena is in an unusual position, with her head tilted slightly to one side and her hands folded in prayer. This pose can be interpreted as an expression of humility and devotion, but it can also be seen as a reference to the fashion of the time, in which women often posed in similar poses to show off their jewelry and dresses.

In summary, the painting Maria Maddalena Baroncelli by Hans Memling is a fascinating work of art that combines the technique of realism with the idealized beauty of the human figure. The composition, color, and story behind the work make it a valuable and significant piece of Renaissance art.

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