The Flagellation

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price5,441.00TL


The Flagellation painting by artist Luca Di Tommè is a masterpiece of Renaissance art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. Measuring 15 x 12 inches, this painting depicts the Flagellation of Christ and is in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is its artistic style. Luca Di Tommè was a fifteenth-century Italian artist who belonged to the Tuscan school. His style is characterized by precision and attention to detail, which can be clearly seen in the Flagellation. The painting is full of small details, from the textures of the clothing to the folds of the skin.

The composition of the painting is also impressive. The figure of Christ is in the center of the work, surrounded by the executioners who are flagellating him. The perspective used by the artist is very effective, as it creates a sense of depth and movement in the scene. Furthermore, the colors used by Di Tommè are rich and vibrant, adding even more drama to the scene.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. The Flagellation was created in the 15th century and is believed to have been commissioned by the Florentine Albizzi family. For centuries the painting was in private hands until it was acquired by the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1950.

Although the Flagellation is a well-known work, there are some lesser-known aspects of the painting that are worth mentioning. For example, the executioners featured in the work are believed to be portraits of members of the Albizzi family. In addition, the painting has been the subject of numerous studies and analyzes over the years, which has made it possible to discover hidden details in the work.

In short, Luca Di Tommè's Flagellation painting is a masterpiece of Renaissance art that continues to fascinate art lovers today. Its artistic style, composition, color and the story behind the painting make it a unique and impressive work.

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