Portrait of a Woman with her Daughter

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price4,522.00TL


Portrait of a Woman with her Daughter is a masterpiece by the German artist Barthel the Elder Bruyn, dating from the 16th century. This painting is one of Bruyn's most outstanding works, and is known for its beauty and elegance.

Bruyn's artistic style is clearly visible in this work, with his meticulous attention to detail and precision in the rendering of human figures. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the woman and her daughter placed in the center of the image, surrounded by a dark background that contrasts with the light that illuminates their faces and clothing.

The use of color in the painting is subtle but effective, with soft shades of brown, green and red creating a feeling of warmth and harmony. The story behind the painting is unknown, but it is believed to depict a noblewoman and her daughter at the court of Germany.

An interesting and little-known aspect about this painting is that it was restored in the 19th century, which has allowed it to remain in excellent condition to this day. Furthermore, the painting has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and has been admired by many art experts over the years.

In short, Portrait of a Woman with her Daughter is a stunning work of art showcasing the skill and talent of Barthel the Elder Bruyn. Its artistic style, composition, use of color, and the story behind the painting make it a unique and fascinating piece that continues to captivate art lovers around the world.

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