The Daughters of István Medgyasszay

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price6,667.00TL


The painting The Daughters of István Medgyasszay by artist Károly Brocky is a work of art that has captivated lovers of painting since its creation in 1892. This masterpiece depicts the daughters of the Hungarian Count István Medgyasszay posing with grace and elegance in a living room.

Brocky's art style is impressive in this piece. His ability to capture the beauty and elegance of young girls is amazing. The composition of the painting is balanced, with the three daughters placed in the center of the image and surrounded by decorative elements that give depth and context to the scene.

Color is another interesting aspect of this work. Brocky uses a palette of soft and warm colors, which give the painting a sense of tranquility and harmony. The shades of pink, yellow and brown blend perfectly, creating a cozy and friendly atmosphere.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. István Medgyasszay was a Hungarian nobleman who lived in the 19th century and had three daughters: Ilona, ​​Gizella and Paula. Brocky was hired to paint a portrait of Medgyasszay's daughters, and he decided to depict them together in this masterpiece.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is that it was highly valued in its time. It was exhibited at the World's Fair in Paris in 1900 and received a gold medal. In addition, it was acquired by the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, where it is currently located.

In short, The Daughters of István Medgyasszay is an impressive work of art that combines exceptional technical skills with balanced composition and a soft and pleasing color palette. The story behind the painting and its value in its time make it a work of art of great historical and artistic importance.

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