Portrait of a Young Woman

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price4,823.00TL


Portrait of a Young Woman is a masterpiece by the renowned Italian artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. The painting, which measures 44 x 32 cm, was created in the 15th century and represents a young woman of the time.

Ghirlandaio's artistic style is evident in this work, with his attention to detail and his ability to capture the natural beauty of his subject. The young woman is depicted with great precision, from her hair to her clothing and jewelry. Also, his face is very expressive, which suggests that Ghirlandaio wanted to capture his personality and character in painting.

The composition of the painting is interesting, as the young woman is seated on a throne and looks directly at the viewer. Behind her, there is a window that shows an urban landscape, which suggests that the young woman is a woman of high society. Furthermore, the painting is framed by an arch, which creates an effect of depth and gives the work a three-dimensional appearance.

Color is also an important aspect of painting, with a palette of soft, harmonious tones. The young woman is dressed in a white and gold dress, giving her an elegant and sophisticated look. In addition, the jewelry she is wearing, such as the necklace and earrings, are painted with great detail and lifelikeness.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Tornabuoni family, one of the most powerful families in Florence in the 15th century. The young woman in the painting could be Lucrezia Tornabuoni, the wife of Piero de' Medici, the son of the ruler of Florence.

In short, Portrait of a Young Woman is a stunning work of art that represents Ghirlandaio's ability to capture the beauty and personality of his subject. With its detailed artistic style, interesting composition, and harmonious color palette, this painting remains one of the most beautiful of the Italian Renaissance.

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