boy with bird

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price5,426.00TL


Peter Paul Rubens' Boy with Bird painting is a work of art that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This masterpiece is a perfect example of the Baroque style, characterized by its drama, movement and exuberance. The painting shows a young man holding a bird in his left hand while with his right he holds a branch on which more birds are perched.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since Rubens managed to create a feeling of depth and movement in the painting. The young man is positioned at a diagonal angle, creating a sense of movement and dynamism. Also, the branch and the birds on it extend towards the viewer, making the painting appear to be coming off the canvas.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the painting. Rubens used a rich and vibrant color palette, giving the work a sense of life and energy. The shades of green and brown on the branch and birds are perfectly complemented by the rosy skin tone of the young man.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The work is believed to have been painted around 1612, when Rubens was about 34 years old. It is known that the painting was commissioned by Cardinal Federico Borromeo, who bought it for his private collection. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries and is currently in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Although the painting is well known, there are some lesser known aspects that are also interesting. For example, it is believed that the young man who appears in the painting could be the son of Rubens, who died a few months after birth. Also, the branch and birds in the painting could symbolize the fragility of life and death.

In short, Peter Paul Rubens's Boy with Bird painting is an impressive work of art noted for its Baroque style, dynamic composition, vibrant color palette, and fascinating history. It is a work that continues to captivate viewers and is undoubtedly one of the jewels of Baroque art.

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