The Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€148,95 EUR


The painting Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds by Bartolo Di Fredi is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art. With an original size of 50 x 35 cm, this work is a sample of the artistic style of the time, with a harmonious composition and a masterful use of colour.

The scene represents the birth of Jesus and the adoration of the shepherds. The Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph are at the center of the painting, while the shepherds kneel before the baby Jesus. The angel announces the good news to the shepherds, and in the background the city of Bethlehem can be seen.

The composition of the painting is very balanced, with a symmetrical arrangement of the characters and a perfect perspective. The use of color is very striking, with warm and bright tones that create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was created in the 14th century in the city of Siena, Italy. Bartolo Di Fredi was one of the most outstanding artists of the time, and his work is characterized by its elegant and refined style.

One of the lesser known aspects of the painting is that it was created to be placed on a church altarpiece. The work was designed to be viewed from a certain distance, so the composition and use of color fit this perspective.

In short, Bartolo Di Fredi's painting Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds is a masterpiece of Italian Renaissance art, with a harmonious composition, masterful use of color, and an interesting story.

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