The Last Voyage (Return to Native Soil)

size(cm): 45x75
Sale price€210,95 EUR


The painting "The Last Journey (Return to Native Soil)" by Giovanni Segantini is a masterpiece that stands out for its impressive artistic style and carefully crafted composition. This artwork was created in 1899 and has an original size of 162 x 299 cm.

The painting depicts a woman and child who are on a journey back to their home in the Swiss Alps. The woman is wearing a black dress and a hat, while the boy is wearing a red coat and a cap. In the background you can see a mountainous landscape with snow and clouds. The composition of the painting is symmetrical and balanced, with the woman and child in the center of the image and the landscape in the background creating a perfect frame for them.

Color is another interesting aspect of painting. The woman's black dress contrasts with the boy's red coat and the white and gray landscape in the background. The cold and dark tones create a melancholic and nostalgic atmosphere, which reflects the theme of the work: the return to the native land.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Segantini created this work shortly before his death, and it is said to have been inspired by his own experience of returning home to the Alps after years of living in the city. The work is also a reflection on life and death, since Segantini died shortly after finishing it.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Segantini used a special technique called "divisionism" to create it. This technique involves applying small brushstrokes of pure colors instead of blending the colors on the canvas. The result is a vibrant, luminous image that seems to shine with its own light.

In short, "The Last Journey (Return to Native Soil)" is an impressive painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind it. It is a masterpiece that continues to captivate viewers today.

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