Burial of Christ

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price€181,95 EUR


The painting "Entombment of Christ" by renowned artist Tiziano Vecellio, also known as Titian, is a masterpiece that captures the emotional intensity and aesthetic beauty of religious subject matter. Originally measuring 148 x 205 cm, this painting stands out for its unique artistic style, masterful composition, use of color, and intriguing story.

Regarding the artistic style, Titian is known for being one of the main exponents of the Venetian School of painting. His ability to capture light and movement is evident in "Entombment of Christ." He uses loose, flowing brushstrokes, creating a sense of dynamism in the scene. In addition, his mastery of the sfumato technique, which consists of blurring the contours to achieve a smooth transition between colors and shapes, is clearly seen in this work.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Titian uses a triangular arrangement to guide the viewer's gaze to the body of Christ at the center of the work. The characters surrounding Jesus are arranged in a way that creates a sensation of upward movement, reinforcing the idea of ​​his spiritual ascension. This arrangement also creates visual balance and a sense of harmony in the composition.

As for colour, Titian employs a rich and varied palette in "Entombment of Christ". Warm and earthy tones predominate in the painting, which contributes to creating an atmosphere of sadness and melancholy. However, he also uses touches of more vibrant colors, such as the deep red in the clothing of some characters, to add contrast and vibrancy to the scene.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito de' Medici in 1520 and is believed to have been completed around 1525. However, the work was damaged in a fire in the 18th century and has been restored several times. Despite these setbacks, "Entombment of Christ" has stood the test of time and remains one of Titian's most outstanding works.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of this painting. For example, Titian is said to have used his own face as a model for the face of one of the characters in the work. In addition, it has been speculated that the painter may have been inspired by classical sculpture to represent the bodies of the characters, which adds an element of Renaissance influence to the painting.

In conclusion, the painting "Entombment of Christ" by Tiziano Vecellio is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its use of color and its intriguing story. Originally sized 148 x 205 cm, this painting is a testament to Titian's talent and mastery, as well as his ability to capture emotion and beauty in his works.

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