Portrait of Sarah Buxton

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€157,95 EUR


Thomas Gainsborough's Portrait of Sarah Buxton is an 18th-century masterpiece noted for its elegance and beauty. The portrait of young Sarah Buxton, dressed in an exquisite pink silk dress and feathered hat, is a perfect example of the Rococo style that prevailed at the time.

The composition of the work is impressive. Gainsborough manages to capture the natural beauty of Sarah Buxton, using a loose, flowing brushwork technique that gives her a soft, ethereal look. The young woman is sitting on a sofa with a dark background, giving her a more prominent look and highlighting her beauty.

Color is another of the highlights of this painting. Gainsborough's color palette is rich and vibrant, with soft pastel tones blending seamlessly to create a sense of harmony and balance. The soft pink of Sarah Buxton's dress contrasts beautifully with the dark blue of the hat and background, creating a stunning visual effect.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. Sarah Buxton was a young woman from English high society who married a wealthy merchant from Liverpool. The portrait was commissioned by her husband as a gift to his wife, and it became one of Gainsborough's most famous works.

Despite its popularity, there are little-known aspects of this painting. For example, Gainsborough is believed to have added a small dog to the bottom of the painting at a later time, as an additional detail that gave the work a more personal touch. Furthermore, the painting has been the subject of numerous interpretations and analyses, making it a fascinating and enigmatic work of art.

In short, Thomas Gainsborough's Portrait of Sarah Buxton is a Rococo masterpiece that stands out for its elegance, beauty and harmony. Gainsborough's loose, flowing brushwork technique, stunning composition, and vibrant color palette make this painting an exceptional work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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