Portrait of Anne Pitt as Hebe

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€148,95 EUR


The portrait "Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe" by the artist Célisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is a work that stands out for its refined artistic style and elegant composition. Originally sized at 140 x 100 cm, this painting captures the beauty and grace of Anna Pitt, who was portrayed as the Greek goddess of youth, Hebe.

Vigée-Lebrun's artistic style is characterized by her ability to capture the delicacy of her subjects' facial features and expression. In "Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe", the artist manages to bring out the youth and freshness of Anna Pitt through her soft and detailed brush technique. The soft, luminous tones used on Anna Pitt's skin contrast against the dark background, creating a chiaroscuro effect that further highlights her beauty.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Anna Pitt is depicted standing with her body slightly turned to one side and her gaze directed towards the viewer. Her white dress and loose hair give her an ethereal and celestial appearance, reinforcing her identification with the goddess Hebe. The position of Anna Pitt's arms, holding a gold chalice, adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the composition.

When it comes to colour, Vigée-Lebrun uses a soft and luminous palette. Pastel tones predominate in the painting, accentuating the youth and delicacy of Anna Pitt. The contrast between the light colors of her dress and her skin and the dark background creates a striking visual effect and highlights the figure of Anna Pitt as the central focus of the work.

The history of "Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe" dates back to the 18th century, when Vigée-Lebrun was one of the foremost French court painters. Anna Pitt, a young English aristocrat, posed for Vigée-Lebrun during her stay in Paris. The choice to portray Anna Pitt as Hebe, the goddess of youth, shows the influence of classical mythology on the painting of the time and highlights the beauty and youth of the sitter.

Despite her recognition as one of the foremost female painters of her time, Vigée-Lebrun often faced challenges and prejudice for being a woman in a male-dominated field. However, she managed to overcome these barriers and became one of the most in-demand portrait artists of her time, painting influential figures of the European nobility and royalty.

In summary, "Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe" by Célisabeth Vigée-Lebrun is a painting that stands out for its refined artistic style, its balanced composition and its use of soft and luminous colours. The story behind the work and the life of the artist also add an interesting context to this painting, showcasing Vigée-Lebrun's talent and perseverance in a world dominated by men.

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