A Woman Martyr

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€130,95 EUR


The painting "A Female Martyr" by the Italian artist Bernardino Luini is a work of art that has captivated painting lovers for its beauty and technique. The work, which measures 90 x 60 cm, represents a beautiful young woman who has been martyred for her faith. The work is done in oil on board and dates from the 16th century.

Luini's artistic style is characterized by elegance and delicacy, and his ability to create an atmosphere of serenity and peace can be clearly appreciated in this work. The composition of the painting is very balanced, with the figure of the martyr in the center surrounded by a natural landscape that extends into the background.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work. Luini uses a palette of soft and bright colors that create a feeling of tranquility and harmony. The pastel shades of the martyr's clothing perfectly complement the green of the trees and the blue of the sky.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. The work is believed to have been commissioned by Cardinal Federico Borromeo for the church of San Giovanni in Conca in Milan. The figure of the martyr represents Saint Catherine of Alexandria, one of the most revered saints of the Catholic Church.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Luini used his own wife as a model for the figure of the martyr. This gave the work a personal and emotional touch that makes it even more special.

In short, "A Female Martyr" is a stunning work of art that combines aesthetic beauty with spiritual depth. Luini's ability to create an atmosphere of serenity and harmony has made this work one of the most admired works of the Italian Renaissance.

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