The Path to the Hermitage in the Snow

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$226.00 SGD


The painting "The Road to l'Hermitage in the Snow" by artist Camille Pissarro is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind its creation. Originally sized at 46 x 38 cm, this work is a sample of French Impressionism, an artistic movement characterized by the representation of light and color through loose and vibrant brushstrokes.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows a view of a snowy road stretching towards the horizon. In the center of the painting, a small country house can be seen surrounded by snow-covered trees. Pissarro's loose, vibrant brushwork creates a sense of movement and life in the scene, making the painting highly engaging to the viewer.

The colors used in the painting are mainly cool shades of blue, green and white, which creates a calm wintery atmosphere. However, some hints of warm color can also be seen on the trees and in the house, adding an interesting contrast to the scene.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. Pissarro painted this work during his stay in the village of l'Hermitage, near Pontoise, in northern France. It was painted in the winter of 1873-1874, and shows the path that Pissarro took every day to reach his painting studio in the village.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is that it was one of Pissarro's first works in which he used the split color technique, which involves applying small brushstrokes of pure colors side by side to create a sense of light and movement in the work.

In short, "The Road to l'Hermitage in the Snow" is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind its creation. It is a work that shows Pissarro's ability to capture the beauty of nature and transmit it through his art.

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