the last of england

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price$214.00 SGD


The painting "The Last of England" by artist Ford Madox Brown is an impressive work of art that has captured the attention of the public since its creation in 1855. The painting is a realistic depiction of a young couple saying goodbye to their homeland, while they head to America in search of a better life.

Ford Madox Brown's art style is characterized by a realistic and detailed approach to the human figure, and this is evident in "The Last of England". The painting is full of minute details, from the wrinkles in the characters' clothing to the details of the landscape behind them. The artist uses a gentle and careful brushwork technique to create an image that is both realistic and emotional.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist has used a framing technique that emphasizes the feeling of parting and sadness. The characters are placed in the center of the image, surrounded by a gloomy and melancholic landscape. The couple look at each other with an expression of pain and sadness, while the sea behind them suggests the uncertainty and danger that awaits them.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the painting. The artist has used a muted and dark color palette to create a feeling of sadness and melancholy. Gray and brown tones dominate the image, while bright colors are reserved for the smallest details, such as the buttons on the characters' clothing.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Ford Madox Brown is said to have been inspired by a royal couple who embarked on a journey to America in search of a better life. The artwork became a symbol of emigration and the hope for a better life abroad. In addition, the painting has been interpreted as a social critique of the economic and political situation in England in the Victorian era.

In short, "The Last of England" is a stunning work of art that combines a realistic art style with emotional composition and clever use of colour. The story behind the painting and its social significance make it a truly unique and significant work of art.

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