The Supper at Emmaus

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price$252.00 SGD


The painting The Supper at Emmaus by the Le Nain brothers is a masterpiece of 17th-century French art. The painting, original size 75 x 92 cm, represents the moment when Jesus appears to two of his disciples on the way to Emmaus after his resurrection.

The artistic style of the Le Nain brothers is characterized by a realistic and detailed technique, which can be appreciated in the meticulousness with which they have represented each element of the scene. From the texture of the folds of the clothing to the wrinkles on the disciples' foreheads, everything is carefully drawn and painted with great precision.

The composition of the work is also very interesting. The Le Nain brothers have chosen to place the disciples on a lower plane than Jesus, which creates a sense of humility and reverence for the divine personage. In addition, the arrangement of the items on the table and the way the characters interact with each other create a sense of dynamism and movement in the scene.

As for colour, the Le Nain brothers have used a palette of dark and earthy tones that reflect the sobriety and solemnity of the scene. However, they have also added touches of bright color to clothing and objects to bring life and light to the work.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been commissioned by the family of a Lyon silk merchant in the 17th century, and has since passed through several hands before being acquired by the Louvre Museum in Paris. In addition, it is known that the work has been the subject of controversy and debate among art experts, who have argued about the authorship and the date of creation of the work.

In conclusion, The Supper at Emmaus by the Le Nain brothers is an exceptional work of art that combines technique, composition, color, and historical depth to create an impressive and moving image of one of the most important moments in the Christian faith.

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