The Death of the Virgin

size(cm): 70x35
Sale price$263.00 SGD


"The Death of the Virgin" is a painting of great historical and artistic importance, made by an Unknown Spanish Master. This masterpiece was created in an original size of 212 x 113 cm and has a number of interesting aspects that make it stand out.

In terms of artistic style, this painting belongs to the genre of the Spanish Renaissance, characterized by its detail and realism. The artist manages to capture the emotion and solemnity of the moment through his precise and meticulous technique. Every detail, from the wrinkles on the Virgin's face to the folds in her dress, is carefully rendered, demonstrating the author's skill and mastery.

The composition of the painting is another prominent feature. The artist uses a symmetrical arrangement to give visual balance to the scene. The figure of the Virgin is in the center of the composition, surrounded by the apostles, who show deep sadness at her death. This arrangement creates a sense of harmony and serenity, despite the tragic theme of the work.

Regarding color, the artist uses a palette of dark and muted tones, which reinforces the atmosphere of mourning and sadness. The predominant colors are gray, brown and black, with subtle touches of red in the clothing of some characters. This chromatic choice helps convey the solemnity and pain surrounding the death of the Virgin.

The history of this painting is also fascinating. Although the author is unknown, it is believed that it was made in the 17th century in Spain. The work represents the moment of the death of the Virgin Mary, a religious theme of great importance in the Catholic tradition. The painting is based on the biblical narrative and shows the apostles present at the Virgin's deathbed, saying goodbye to her with great regret.

Despite its recognition in the art world, there are little-known aspects of this painting. The anonymous author and the lack of detailed information about its creation have generated debates and speculations among experts. Additionally, the painting has undergone damage and restoration over the years, affecting its original state and adding even more mystery to its history.

In short, "The Death of the Virgin" is an impressive work of art in both its artistic style and its composition, color, and subject matter. Despite the lack of information about its author and its history, this painting continues to be a piece of great value and beauty, which invites us to reflect on life, death and spiritual transcendence.

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