Portrait of a Woman

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$226.00 SGD


"Portrait of a Woman" is a fascinating work by renowned artist Traut De Lobo. Originally measuring 38 x 29 cm, this painting captivates the viewer with its unique artistic style and meticulously crafted composition.

Traut De Lobo's artistic style is characterized by his realistic and detailed approach. In "Portrait of a Woman", the artist manages to capture the essence of his subject in a surprisingly precise way. Every facial feature is meticulously rendered, from the delicate folds of the skin to the subtle shades of color in the eyes and lips. This attention to detail reveals De Lobo's technical mastery and his ability to create portraits that seem to come alive before our eyes.

The composition of the painting is also worth noting. De Lobo chooses to place the woman at the center of the canvas, giving her a powerful sense of presence and mastery. His direct and serene gaze invites us to delve into his inner world. In addition, the artist uses soft, diffused lighting that highlights the woman's facial features and creates an intimate and mysterious atmosphere.

The use of color in "Portrait of a Woman" is another notable aspect of the work. De Lobo uses a palette of soft colors and earthy tones that bring warmth and serenity to the portrait. Subtle shades of pink and gold on a woman's skin create a feeling of life and vitality. In addition, the artist uses loose, flowing brushstrokes to give the painting texture and movement, adding an extra dimension to the work.

The story behind "Portrait of a Woman" is enigmatic and little known. The painting is believed to have been created in the 1920s, during a period of intense creativity for De Lobo. Although the identity of the woman portrayed is unknown, her calm expression and penetrating gaze suggest a profound and personal story. This lack of information invites us to speculate about the woman's life and experiences, adding an element of mystery to the work.

In short, Traut De Lobo's "Portrait of a Woman" is a captivating painting in many respects. Its realistic artistic style, carefully crafted composition, use of color, and enigmatic story make it a work to behold. Through this painting, De Lobo manages to capture the essence of his subject and convey deep emotions and thoughts to the viewer.

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