Portrait of a Bearded Old Man

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$201.00 SGD


The Portrait of a Bearded Old Man by Pier Francesco Mola is a work of art that has captivated lovers of painting since its creation in the 17th century. This painting is an excellent example of the Italian Baroque style, which is characterized by being dramatic and emotional.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since the artist has managed to create a balance between the elements that make it up. The portrayed man is in the center of the image, surrounded by a dark background that highlights his figure. The character's position is frontal, which allows the viewer to appreciate his beard and wrinkles in detail.

Color is another important aspect of this painting. Mola has used a palette of warm and earthy tones, which give the work a feeling of warmth and tranquility. The use of light is also remarkable, since the artist has managed to create a chiaroscuro effect that gives depth to the image.

The history of this painting is little known, but it is believed to have been created in the 1660s. Although it is not known for certain who the man portrayed is, it is believed that he may be a member of the artist's family or a close friend.

In summary, the Portrait of a Bearded Old Man by Pier Francesco Mola is a work of art that stands out for its Italian Baroque style, its balanced composition, its warm color palette and its chiaroscuro effect. This painting is a sample of the artist's talent and ability to capture the essence of his character and convey emotions through his work.

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