Portrait of Tomás and Jorge Dashwood

size(cm): 50x30
Sale price$201.00 SGD


John Closterman's Portrait of Thomas and George Dashwood is a masterpiece of English Baroque art dating from the 18th century. This oil painting shows two brothers, Thomas and George Dashwood, dressed in lavish suits and sitting in a bucolic landscape with a dog at their feet.

Closterman's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the elegance and opulence of the English aristocracy of the time. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the brothers in the center and the landscape behind them, creating a sense of depth and perspective. The attention to detail is amazing, from the wrinkles in the clothing to the folds in the dogs' skin.

Color is another prominent aspect of this artwork. The warm, rich tones of the brothers' clothing contrast with the greens and browns of the landscape, creating a sense of harmony and balance. Also, the painting's use of light and shadow is impressive, giving it a sense of depth and realism.

The story behind this painting is also interesting. The Dashwood brothers were prominent members of English society at the time and were known for their love of art and culture. It is said that they commissioned this painting to commemorate their friendship and their love of the outdoors.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that it was restored in the 1990s after being damaged in a fire. The restorers worked meticulously to return the painting to its original state, and the result is impressive.

In short, John Closterman's Portrait of Thomas and George Dashwood is a masterpiece of English Baroque art noted for its artistic style, composition, color, and attention to detail. The story behind the painting and its restoration are also fascinating, making it a truly unique and impressive work of art.

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