The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and John the Baptist

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$213.00 SGD


The painting "The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist" by the Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens is an early Baroque masterpiece. The original size of the painting is 138 x 102 cm.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the Holy Family in the center, surrounded by Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist. The figure of the Virgin Mary is the most prominent, with her soft and serene face and her bright blue dress that contrasts with the intense red of the mantle of Saint John the Baptist. The composition is balanced by the figure of Saint Elizabeth, who holds her son, Saint John the Baptist, in her arms.

Rubens' artistic style is characterized by his use of light and shadow, as well as his technique of vigorous and expressive brushwork. In this work, Rubens uses light to highlight the figure of the Virgin Mary and her son Jesus, while the figures of Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist are in shadow.

Color is also an important aspect of painting. Rubens uses vibrant, contrasting colors to create a sense of movement and energy in the work. The intense blue of the dress of the Virgin Mary and the intense red of the mantle of Saint John the Baptist are especially impressive.

The history of the painting is interesting. It was commissioned by Cardinal Federico Borromeo in 1609 for the chapel of his palace in Milan. After the cardinal's death, the painting was sold to a private collector and later became part of the collection of the Spanish royal family. In 1813, it was acquired by the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it is currently located.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that Rubens used real models to create the figures in the painting. The figure of the Virgin Mary is based on his wife, Isabella Brant, while the figure of Saint John the Baptist is based on his son, Nicolaas Rubens. Additionally, Rubens is believed to have used a mirror technique to create the figure of Saint Elizabeth, reflecting his own image in a mirror as he painted.

In short, "The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the Baptist" is an early Baroque masterpiece, with impressive composition, distinctive artistic style, and vibrant use of color. Its history and little-known aspects make it even more fascinating for art lovers.

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