Lady with a Lorgnette

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$226.00 SGD


The painting "Lady with a Lorgnette" by the Hungarian artist József Borsos is a work noted for its realistic artistic style and carefully crafted composition. The work depicts an elegant and sophisticated woman holding a lorgnette, a type of handheld eyeglasses commonly worn in Victorian times.

The use of the lorgnette in the painting is interesting, as it suggests that the woman portrayed is a person of upper class, with access to luxury items and sophisticated fashion accessories. In addition, the woman's pose, with a slight tilt of the head and a penetrating gaze, conveys a sense of power and confidence.

As for colour, Borsos uses a soft and elegant palette, with pastel tones that reinforce the feeling of refinement and sophistication. Natural light entering through a window behind the woman creates an effect of shadows and lights that highlights the texture of the model's clothing and skin.

The history of the painting is interesting as it is believed to have been created in the 1890s, during Victorian times in England. The work was acquired by the art collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts in 1922 and has been one of the most prominent pieces in the collection ever since.

Little-known aspects of the work include the technique used by Borsos to create the texture of the sitter's clothing and skin, as well as the process of selecting the sitter for the portrait. Little is also known about the artist's relationship with the woman portrayed and whether it was a commission or a work of his own choosing.

Overall, "Lady with a Lorgnette" is a fascinating work of art that combines the elegance and sophistication of the Victorian era with the technical and artistic skill of József Borsos. Its carefully crafted composition, soft color palette, and depiction of the fashion and culture of the time make this work a unique and valuable piece of art history.

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