Ezbekiyah street in Cairo

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$201.00 SGD


The painting "Ezbekiyah Street in Cairo" by artist Prosper Marilhat is an impressive work that captures the essence of life in ancient Egypt. The work stands out for its realistic artistic style that shows great attention to detail and an exceptional ability to capture light and shadow.

The composition of the painting is an interesting aspect to highlight, since Marilhat uses the technique of perspective to create the illusion of depth in the street. The street view extends into the background of the painting, with the buildings and people diminishing in size as they recede. This technique creates a sense of depth and space in the painting.

Color also plays an important role in Marilhat's work. The artist uses a palette of warm, earthy colors to create a sense of warmth and street life. The use of gold and brown tones for the buildings and the street contrasts with the cooler tones of the sky and shadows, creating a sense of balance in the work.

The story behind the painting is also an interesting aspect. Marilhat traveled to Egypt in 1831 and spent several years there, painting scenes of everyday life. "Ezbekiyah Street in Cairo" was painted during this period and is one of the most representative works of his stay in Egypt.

Also, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, it is believed that the painting was originally much larger in size, but was cut down at some point in its history. The original size of the painting was 54 x 42 cm, but its original size is unknown.

All in all, "Ezbekiyah Street in Cairo" is an impressive work that stands out for its realistic art style, composition, and use of color. The history behind the painting and little-known aspects make it even more fascinating and make it a work of art worth exploring in detail.

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