An Outdoor Banquet

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price$275.00 SGD


The painting "An Outdoor Banquet" by artist Jansens Hieronymus is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting an outdoor banquet scene. The painting is impressively large, measuring 114 x 145 cm, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in the scene and appreciate every detail.

Jansens Hieronymus' artistic style is classical, with a focus on precision and perfection of detail. His characters are portrayed with great realism and his brushstroke technique is impressive. In this work, Jansens Hieronymus uses a naturalistic style, with a focus on light and shadow to create a sense of depth and volume.

The composition of "An Outdoor Banquet" is interesting, with a large number of characters interacting in an animated scene. The painting is divided into three main groups: the guests seated at the table, the musicians playing live music, and the servants serving food and drink. The composition is balanced and harmonious, with each character in its proper place.

Color in "An Outdoor Banquet" is vibrant and realistic, with a warm, earthy color palette. The tones of the characters' clothing and the food and drink on the table are very realistic and attractive. Natural light entering the scene creates shadows and reflections that bring the painting to life.

The history of the painting is interesting because it was created at a time when banquets were an important part of elite social life. The painting shows the wealth and luxury of the time, with plenty of food and drink on the table and live musicians to entertain the guests.

A little known aspect of "An Outdoor Banquet" is that Jansens Hieronymus included a number of symbols and details in the painting that have hidden meaning. For example, the apple on the table is a symbol of temptation and sin, while the jug of wine represents abundance and joy.

In short, "An Outdoor Banquet" is a masterpiece of classical art depicting the social life of the elite in the 17th century. The painting is impressive in size and detail, with a harmonious composition and a vibrant, realistic color palette. The inclusion of hidden symbols and details adds an additional layer of meaning to the work.

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