Allegory of Eternity

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price$225.00 SGD


The Allegory of Eternity painting by artist Lorenzo Pasinelli is an Italian Baroque masterpiece featuring an intriguing composition and rich color palette. Measuring just 64cm in original size, the painting is an impressive display of the artist's talent for creating powerful and evocative imagery.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of the Baroque, with its emphasis on drama and emotionality. The main figure of the work is a young and beautiful woman, who represents Eternity. She is dressed in a white and gold robe, and is surrounded by a series of symbols that represent life and death. The figure of Eternity is located in the center of the composition, which gives it a great visual impact.

Color also plays an important role in painting. Gold and silver tones are used to highlight the figure of Eternity, while dark and earthy colors are used to represent death and decay. The details in the painting, such as the flowers and leaves, are painted with great attention to detail and impressive technique.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni in the 17th century. The work was created to decorate the Ottoboni family chapel in the church of San Lorenzo in Lucina in Rome. The painting was highly prized by the cardinal and his family, and remained in their possession for many years.

A little known aspect of the painting is that it was restored in the 20th century by the famous Italian restorer Mario Modestini. Modestini worked on the painting for several years, using innovative techniques to restore it to its original beauty. The restoration was a great success, and the painting is now in excellent condition.

In short, Lorenzo Pasinelli's painting Allegory of Eternity is an Italian Baroque masterpiece featuring a rich color palette, powerful composition, and impressive detail. The history and restoration of the painting are also interesting aspects that add even more value to this impressive work of art.

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