Woman with Turban (Lorette) 1917

Size (cm): 50x60
Sale price2 381 SEK


Henri Matisse, one of the fundamental pillars of modern art, offers in "Woman in Turban (Lorette)" a delicate exploration of the female figure wrapped in an aura of mystery and sensuality. Painted in 1917, this work is situated at a crucial moment in the artist's career, where his incessant search for new forms of expression through color and composition reaches new heights.

The protagonist of the painting, known as Lorette, is one of Matisse's most recurring models during this period. With a turban that highlights not only her exotic beauty but also Matisse's fascination with Eastern cultures, Lorette invites us to look at her closely. Her face, a combination of serenity and melancholy, is framed by the bold brushstrokes that define the turban and the background, highlighting the artist's ability to merge figure and ornament into a harmonious visual unity.

The composition of the work is masterfully balanced. Using a palette of vibrant colors, Matisse creates a contrast between warm and cool tones. The background, a sea of greens and blues, subtly contrasts with the reddish color of the turban and the blush on Lorette's cheeks. This contrast not only highlights the central figure but also generates a sense of depth, allowing the elements of the painting to dialogue with each other. The way Matisse applies color, with strokes that seem almost improvised yet carefully orchestrated, reflects his mastery in the technique of Fauvism, an artistic movement he himself helped define in the early 20th century.

Lorette's pose is also noteworthy. Sitting with an attitude that combines relaxation with vigilance, her directional gaze and the slight turn of her head suggest an atmosphere of introspection. This posture not only humanizes the character but also demonstrates Matisse's ability to capture the psychological essence of his models.

"Woman in Turban (Lorette)" is, in many ways, a manifesto of Matisse's style: a celebration of color, form, and the human figure. His ability to synthesize influences and transcend the conventional boundaries of painting is clearly evident in this work. Through the figure of Lorette, Matisse not only pays homage to female beauty but also invites the viewer on a visual journey that crosses cultural and emotional borders.

The choice of a turban, and the representation of Lorette wrapped in this distinctive element, is not casual. It reflects Matisse's interest in clothing and textiles, something that runs through many of his works. This fascination with fabrics is manifested in the texture and richness of color, which seem palpable despite the two-dimensionality of the medium.

In summary, Henri Matisse's "Woman in Turban (Lorette)" is not simply a painting; it is a window into the mind of an artist in constant evolution, always willing to challenge and expand the boundaries of art. It is a work loaded with emotion, color, and a profound understanding of the human form, which continues to fascinate and captivate those who contemplate it. Every stroke, every nuance, is a testament to Matisse's genius, consolidating his legacy as one of the greats of 20th-century art.

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