waterfall in norway

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price2 257 SEK


The painting "Waterfall in Norway" by the Dutch artist Jacob Isaackszon Van Ruisdael is a masterpiece of Baroque art from the 17th century. This piece is recognized for its impressive depiction of nature and its ability to capture the essence of natural beauty.

Van Ruisdael's artistic style is characterized by his focus on nature and his ability to create realistic and detailed landscapes. In "Waterfall in Norway", the artist uses a loose, flowing brushwork technique to create the sensation of movement in the waterfall and flowing water. Also, the composition of the painting is very balanced, with the waterfall and the river flowing diagonally, creating a sense of depth and perspective.

The color in the painting is another interesting aspect. Van Ruisdael uses a subtle color palette and muted tones to create a calm and serene atmosphere. The green and brown tones of the trees and rocks combine with the soft tones of the sky to create a natural and harmonious landscape.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed that Van Ruisdael never visited Norway and that the painting was created from his imagination and the descriptions of other travelers. In addition, the painting was acquired by Queen Elizabeth II of Spain in the 19th century and is currently part of the collection of the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

In short, "Waterfall in Norway" is an impressive work of art that stands out for its ability to capture natural beauty and convey it to the viewer. Van Ruisdael's technique, composition, color and the history of painting make this work a treasure of Baroque art.

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