Victorious Cupid (Amor Vincit Omnia)

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price1 949 SEK


The Victorious Cupid painting, also known as Amor Vincit Omnia, is a masterpiece by Italian artist Orazio Riminaldi. This work, which measures 142 x 112 cm, is one of the most outstanding of the Italian Baroque and is located in the Palatina Gallery of the Pitti Palace in Florence.

The painting depicts Cupid, the god of love, triumphing over reason and wisdom. The figure of Cupid is in the center of the composition, with a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Around it, there are several allegorical characters that represent reason, wisdom and other human values. The composition is very dynamic and full of movement, which gives it great expressive power.

The coloring of the painting is very striking, with shades of red, gold and blue that combine harmoniously. The treatment of light and shadows is also very prominent, creating an effect of depth and realism in the work.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Carlo de' Medici in the 17th century to decorate his residence in Rome. The work was highly valued by the Medici family and became one of the most important pieces in their art collection.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Riminaldi used his own face to create the character of Cupid. This can be seen in the way the artist has rendered Cupid's facial features, which resemble those of Riminaldi himself.

In conclusion, the painting Victorious Cupid by Orazio Riminaldi is a work of great importance in the history of Italian art. Its artistic style, composition, coloring, and treatment of light and shadow make it a masterpiece of the Baroque. In addition, its history and little-known aspects make it even more interesting and valuable.

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