Madonna and Child (The Great Cowper Madonna)

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price1 640 SEK


The painting Madonna and Child (The Large Cowper Madonna) by Raffaello Sanzio is a work of art that has captivated viewers for centuries. This masterpiece was created in the 16th century and is characterized by its Renaissance artistic style, which is characterized by precision in the representation of the human figure and perspective.

The composition of the painting is impressive, as the artist manages to capture the tenderness and intimacy between the Virgin Mary and her son Jesus. The Madonna is seated on a throne, with her son on her lap, while two angels are at her side. The composition is balanced and symmetrical, giving a sense of harmony and peace.

The color in this painting is vibrant and full of life. The Madonna and child are dressed in shades of blue and red, which contrast with the gold background. The use of gold is a common element in Renaissance painting, as it was considered a sacred and divine color.

The story behind this painting is fascinating as it is known to have been commissioned by an English nobleman named George Clive. The painting was later sold to a collector named William Cowper, who gave it its present name. The artwork has passed through many hands since then and is currently in the National Gallery in London.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is that Raffaello Sanzio did not finish it completely. The work is believed to have been completed by one of his students, Giulio Romano, after his death. Despite this, the painting remains one of the most important works of the Italian Renaissance and continues to inspire artists and viewers around the world.

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