Tooth Extraction

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price1 933 SEK


The painting "The Extraction of Tooth" by the Dutch artist Gerrit Dou is a work that captivates with its artistic style and composition. The scene depicts a 17th century dentist extracting a patient's tooth, while other people watch with great interest.

Dou's artistic style is characterized by its precision and detail, and this can be seen clearly in this work. Every object and every character is painted in great detail, creating a sense of realism and depth. Also, the use of light and shadow creates a three-dimensional effect that makes the scene seem even more real.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect. Dou uses a technique known as "aerial perspective," which involves creating a sense of depth by reducing the size of objects and people as they recede from the viewer. This can be clearly seen in the artwork, where the characters and objects in the foreground are larger and more detailed than those in the background.

When it comes to color, Dou uses a palette of dark and earthy tones that create a feeling of intimacy and warmth. Shades of brown, gray and green dominate the work, making the details and characters stand out even more.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It was created in 1650 and is in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris. It is believed that it was commissioned by a dentist to decorate his office, which could explain why the scene is rendered in such a realistic and detailed way.

As for little-known aspects, it is said that Dou used a mirror to reflect the scene so that he could paint it more accurately. In addition, some experts believe that the painting could be a criticism of the practice of extracting teeth, which in those days was very painful and dangerous.

In short, Gerrit Dou's "The Extraction of Tooth" is a fascinating work that combines a precise and detailed art style with interesting composition and a warm, earthy color palette. Its history and the little-known aspects surrounding its creation make it even more interesting and valuable.

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