Saint Bruno Makes The Monastery Built

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price1 841 SEK


The painting "St Bruno Has the Monastery Built" by French artist Eustache Le Sueur is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian order, overseeing the construction of a monastery in the French Alps.

Le Sueur's artistic style is distinctly Baroque, with meticulous attention to detail and dramatic use of light and shadow to create depth and realism. The composition is symmetrical and balanced, with Saint Bruno at the center of the scene surrounded by workers and architects building the monastery.

The colors used in the painting are rich and vibrant, with warm shades of gold and brown contrasting with the cold blue of the sky and the snowy mountains. The use of color also helps to emphasize the importance of Saint Bruno in the scene, as his white and gold robes make him stand out from the darkly clad workers.

The story behind the painting is interesting in itself, as Saint Bruno is a fascinating historical figure who gave up his life as a scholar and cleric to found the Carthusian order, known for its austerity and devotion. The painting is also a tribute to architecture and construction, showing the skill and hard work required to create something as impressive as a monastery in the mountains.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that it was commissioned by Queen Christina of Sweden, a patron of the arts who was also known for her interest in philosophy and religion. The painting was part of a series of works Christina commissioned from Le Sueur to decorate her palace in Stockholm, demonstrating the queen's importance to art and culture.

In summary, the painting "St Bruno Has the Monastery Built" is an impressive work that combines exceptional artistic technique with a fascinating story and a message of devotion and hard work. It is a masterpiece of French Baroque that deserves to be admired and studied for its beauty and meaning.

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