Portrait of Four Members of the Council of Paris

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price2 133 SEK


The painting Portrait of Four Members of the Paris Council by the artist Frans El Vertido Más Joven is a work that stands out for its artistic style and composition, as well as for its history and little-known aspects.

Regarding the artistic style, this painting belongs to the Dutch Baroque movement, characterized by its exuberance and drama. The artist uses a detailed and realistic technique to portray the four members of the Council of Paris, who are seated at a table with a map of the city in the background.

The composition of the work is interesting, since the characters are arranged symmetrically, with two men on each side of the table. This symmetry is enhanced by the presence of two identical candlesticks at each end of the table, creating a sense of balance and harmony.

Color-wise, the painting stands out for its warm, rich palette, with gold, red, and brown tones creating a sense of opulence and sophistication. The light that illuminates the scene comes from a window to the left, creating shadows and contrasts that add depth and texture to the work.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it is believed to have been created in 1679 to commemorate the election of the four members of the Council of Paris. The work is known to have been in the hands of the French royal family for a time, before being sold to a private collector in the 19th century.

Finally, there are little-known aspects about this painting, such as the fact that the artist included his own self-portrait in the work, appearing as the man on the left. It is also believed that the four members of the Council of Paris were friends of the artist and that they posed for him in his studio.

In short, Portrait of Four Members of the Paris Council is a fascinating work that stands out for its baroque style, its symmetrical composition, its warm palette, and its interesting story full of curious details.

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