Portrait of Maríano Goya, Grandson of the Artist

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price1 948 SEK


The portrait of Mariano Goya, the grandson of the artist Francisco De Goya Y Lucientes, is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style and masterful composition. The painting shows the young Mariano with a serious and concentrated expression, holding a sheet of paper in his hands. The background of the work is dark, which highlights the figure of the young man and creates a dramatic effect.

The artistic style of the work is characteristic of the period of Goya's life known as "the dark age". During this period, the artist suffered from an illness that left him deaf and he became more introspective in his work. This is reflected in Mariano's painting, where the focus is on the figure of the young man and his serious expression.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Goya uses a technique known as "contraposto" to bring the figure of Mariano to life. Contraposto is a technique used in sculpture and painting to create a sense of movement and dynamism in the figure. In the case of Mariano, Goya uses this technique to create a sense of tension in the young man's figure, giving him a sense of life and movement.

The use of color in painting is also very interesting. Goya uses a dark, earthy color palette to create a sense of depth and drama in the work. The contrast between the dark tones and Mariano's pale skin creates a dramatic effect that highlights the young man's figure.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Goya is believed to have painted this portrait of his grandson in 1810, when Mariano was around 10 years old. The painting was a gift to Mariano's mother, who kept it in her family for generations before being sold to a private collector.

In summary, the portrait of Mariano Goya is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, its masterful composition and its use of colour. The story behind the painting is also fascinating, making it a work of art worth studying and appreciating.

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