The Annunciation and the Nativity

size(cm): 70x30
Sale price2 170 SEK


The painting Annunciation and Nativity by Petrus Christus is a masterpiece of Flemish art from the 15th century. This work was created in 1452 and measures 134 x 56 cm. The painting depicts two different scenes: the angel Gabriel's annunciation to the Virgin Mary and the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Petrus Christus' artistic style is characterized by his realism and his ability to render minute details. In this work, we can see how the artist has worked with great precision in the representation of objects, such as books, fabrics and ornaments. Furthermore, the technique of perspective used by Christus is very advanced for its time, allowing him to create a sense of depth and space in the painting.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since the artist has divided the painting into two different scenes, but has visually united them through the figure of the angel Gabriel. In the annunciation scene, we see the Virgin Mary seated on a throne, while in the nativity scene, we see Mary and Joseph adoring the baby Jesus in a manger. The figure of the angel Gabriel is in the center of the painting, as if connecting both scenes.

The color used by Petrus Christus is very rich and vibrant. Gold and red tones predominate in the work, giving it a majestic and festive air. The light that illuminates the painting is very soft and diffused, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

The history of the painting is very interesting, as it is known that it was commissioned by the Bruges Guild of Archers for their chapel in St. George's Church. The work was considered one of the most important of its time and was greatly admired by the artists of the time.

Finally, a little known aspect about the painting is that Petrus Christus used his own image as a model for the angel Gabriel. This demonstrates the importance that the realistic representation of human figures in their works had for the artists of the time.

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