Interior with Figures

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price2 405 SEK


The painting "Interior with Figures" by Dutch artist Pieter De Hooch is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting everyday life at the time. The painting is characterized by its realistic and detailed artistic style, which shows the artist's ability to masterfully capture light and shadow.

The composition of the painting is impressive, as De Hooch manages to create a sense of depth and space in the room with the help of perspective and the position of the characters. The central figure of the painting is a woman who stands in the center of the room, surrounded by other characters who are busy with their daily tasks.

The coloring of the painting is another interesting aspect, since De Hooch uses a palette of soft and warm colors that create a cozy and homely atmosphere. The light that enters through the window also plays an important role in the painting, illuminating the space and creating interesting shadows on the walls and objects.

The history of the painting is also fascinating, as it is believed to have been painted during the artist's stay in Delft, where he worked for a wealthy merchant family. The painting is a sample of the life of the Dutch middle class of the time, and shows the importance of family and home in people's lives.

All in all, "Interior with Figures" is an impressive painting that shows the artist's ability to capture the daily life of the time and create a timeless work of art that is still relevant today.

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