Coronation of the Virgin and Saints

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price1 949 SEK


The Coronation of the Virgin and Saints painting by artist Agnolo Degli Erri is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its detailed artistic style and impressive composition. With an original size of 288 x 220 cm, this work of art is one of the largest paintings of its time.

The painting presents a heavenly scene in which the Virgin Mary is crowned by Jesus Christ surrounded by saints and angels. The composition of the work is impressive, with the characters carefully arranged in a circle around the Virgin and Christ. The details on the figures are exquisite, with each character rendered with a unique expression and pose.

Color is another prominent aspect of the painting. The warm, vibrant tones of the characters' clothing contrast with the dark background and create a sense of movement and life in the work. Gold and silver accents on clothing and architectural details add a touch of luxury and opulence to the work.

The history of the painting is interesting. It was commissioned for the Church of San Giovanni in Monte in Bologna, Italy, and is believed to have been completed around 1490. The work has undergone restorations and repairs over the years, but still retains much of its original beauty. .

A little known aspect of the painting is that Agnolo Degli Erri was a relatively unknown artist in his day. Despite this, his work is considered one of the best of the Italian Renaissance and has been the subject of study and admiration by art experts from around the world.

In short, the painting Coronation of the Virgin and Saints by artist Agnolo Degli Erri is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its detailed artistic style, impressive composition, and use of color. The history of the painting is interesting, and its beauty and artistic value continue to be appreciated today.

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