The Gross Clinic

Tamaño (cm): 50x40
Sale price2 117 SEK


An interesting feature of Thomas Eakins' painting The Gross Clinic is its realistic and detailed depiction of surgery from a time before anesthesia and asepsis. The painting shows Dr. Samuel Gross performing a tummy tuck in an amphitheater full of medical students, while a group of nurses and assistants assist him in the operation.

The lesson given to the students is an operation that amazes with its realism and detail. Through his painting, Eakins hoped to honor the scientific advances coming out of the local Jefferson Medical College.

Eakins became deeply interested in human anatomy and medical science, spending time at the Gross Clinic to study and observe surgeries. The painting reflects his obsession with precision and realism, and shows the harshness and brutality of surgery at a time when surgical techniques were much less refined than they are today.

Additionally, the painting was controversial at the time for its graphic subject matter and for Eakins's decision to depict a woman in the medical student audience, which was considered inappropriate at the time. The work was also rejected by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts when Eakins submitted it in 1875, which was a blow to his career.

The Gross Clinic is a painting depicting Thomas Eakins' interest in human anatomy and medical science, showing the crudeness and brutality of surgery in a time before anesthesia and asepsis. The work was also controversial in its day for its graphic subject matter and the depiction of a woman in the audience of medical students.

Another interesting aspect of the work is the way in which Eakins depicts the tension in the operating room. Even though the characters are working together on the surgery, they each have a different attitude that reflects their role in the operation. Dr. Gross looks serious and focused on the operation, while the patient appears to be in pain and the nurse seems concerned for his well-being.

The painting also shows the complexity of surgery and medical knowledge of the time. In the picture, medical tools and equipment can be seen on the operating table, and medical students are taking notes and looking at the operation from different angles. This reflects the emphasis on medical education and learning through observation at the time the painting was made.

The Gross Clinic is and will be an impressive work of art because it goes beyond a simple representation of a medical scene. The painting conveys the complexity and tension of the surgical process, while also reflecting the medical education and science of the time.

The Gross Clinic is ranked no. 32 on the list of famous paintings

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