Still Life of Oysters and Pastries

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price2 588 SEK


The painting Still-Life with Oysters and Pastries by the artist Osias The Elder Beert is a masterpiece of the still life genre. This painting was created in 1610 and is one of the artist's most famous works.

The artistic style used by Beert in this work is Flemish Baroque. This style is characterized by rich detail, intricacy of composition, and the use of light and color to dramatic effect. Beert's painting is a perfect example of this style, featuring a large number of objects arranged in an elaborate and detailed manner.

The composition of the painting is very interesting. Beert has arranged the objects in such a way as to create a sense of depth and space. The objects are placed in different planes and you can clearly distinguish the objects that are closer and those that are further away. The arrangement of the objects also creates a sensation of movement, as if the objects are arranged to be used or consumed.

The color used by Beert is very rich and varied. Objects are painted in a wide variety of tones and shades, creating a feeling of richness and opulence. The bright and vivid colors of the fruits and pastels contrast with the darker tones of the metal objects and the background fabric.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It is believed that it was commissioned by a wealthy client who wanted to show off his wealth and good taste. The painting has been preserved in very good condition and has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and studies.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that Beert was one of the first artists to specialize in still life painting. It has also been suggested that some of the objects depicted in the painting have symbolic meaning, such as oysters which could represent wealth and opulence.

In summary, the painting Still-Life with Oysters and Pastries by Osias The Elder Beert is a masterpiece of the still life genre. Its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history make it a fascinating work of art and full of interesting details.

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