The Bones of Saint John the Baptist

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price1 736 SEK


The painting "The Bones of St. John the Baptist" by Geertgen Tot Sint Jans is a masterpiece of 15th century art. The Dutch artist created a work that combines late Gothic elements with the chiaroscuro technique, which gives depth and realism to the scene.

The composition of the painting is impressive. The figure of Saint John the Baptist is in the center of the image, surrounded by a crowd of people who observe the saint's remains in astonishment. The light that illuminates the scene comes from a window in the upper left part of the painting, creating a dramatic and mysterious effect.

The use of color in the painting is restrained and dark, emphasizing the solemnity of the subject. The artist uses earthy and gray tones to create an atmosphere of introspection and reflection.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. Geertgen Tot Sint Jans is said to have been a monk who worked at the monastery of Saint John in Haarlem, the Netherlands, where the saint's bones were kept. The painting was created in honor of the relic and became a highly valued work of art by the religious community.

An interesting and little known aspect of the painting is that Geertgen Tot Sint Jans used his own image as a model for the figure of one of the monks in the painting. This suggests that the artist had a personal connection to the story and subject matter of the work.

In summary, "The Bones of St. John the Baptist" is an impressive painting that combines the chiaroscuro technique with late Gothic elements. The dramatic composition, understated use of color, and the story behind the work make it a fascinating and moving piece of art.

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