Contes Barbaros (Barbarian Tales)

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price1 736 SEK


The painting Contes Barbares, also known as Barbarian Tales, is a masterpiece by Post-Impressionist artist Paul Gauguin. The painting, which measures 130 x 89 cm, was painted in 1902 during the artist's stay in Tahiti.

One of the most interesting aspects of this work is its artistic style. Gauguin, who had spent several years in French Polynesia, drew inspiration from local culture and mythology to create a work that blends elements of primitive art and symbolism. The central figure of the painting is a nude woman, who represents the goddess Hina, surrounded by mythological figures and exotic animals.

The composition of the work is another of its most outstanding characteristics. Gauguin uses a flat, two-dimensional approach, with figures and objects arranged in superimposed layers. Perspective is non-existent, giving the painting a sense of timelessness and mystery.

The use of color is another notable aspect of Contes Barbares. Gauguin employs a vibrant and saturated palette, with intense shades of red, yellow and green. The colors are used symbolically to represent different aspects of Polynesian mythology, such as the sun, the sea, and the earth.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. Gauguin created it at a time in his life when he felt isolated and disillusioned with Western culture. The work is an expression of his search for a more authentic and primitive life in French Polynesia, where he hoped to find a deeper connection to nature and spirituality.

Finally, there are some little-known aspects of Contes Barbares that are worth mentioning. For example, the central figure in the painting was modeled on a young Tahitian woman named Pahura, who also appears in other Gauguin works. Furthermore, the painting was acquired by the famous writer and art critic André Breton in the 1920s, and was later owned by the Mexican actress Dolores del Río.

In short, Contes Barbares is a fascinating and complex work that combines elements of primitive art and symbolism with Polynesian mythology. Its artistic style, composition, color and history make it one of the most interesting works of Paul Gauguin's career.

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