A Meeting of Friends

size(cm): 45x70
Sale price2 495 SEK


The painting "A Gathering of Friends" by the French artist Eustache Le Sueur is a stunning example of the 17th century Baroque style. The work measures 127 x 195 cm and is in the collection of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it presents a scene full of movement and action. At the center of the work is a group of friends gathered around a table, enjoying food and drinks. The artist has managed to capture the emotion and energy of the scene by using a diagonal perspective that directs the viewer's gaze towards the center of the painting.

Color is also a prominent aspect of the work. Le Sueur has used a rich and vibrant palette of gold, red and green tones, creating a feeling of warmth and opulence. The artist has also used the chiaroscuro technique to bring out the details and textures of the objects and figures in the painting.

The story behind the work is also fascinating. The painting is believed to have been commissioned by Cardinal Mazarin, a powerful patron of the arts in 17th-century France. The work was painted in 1652 and was part of a series of paintings depicting scenes from the daily life of French high society of the time.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Le Sueur included his own self-portrait in the work. He is in the lower left of the painting, sitting on a chair and holding a palette and brush. This detail shows the artist's ability to incorporate personal elements into his works.

In summary, "A Gathering of Friends" is an impressive painting showing Eustache Le Sueur's mastery of the 17th century Baroque style. The composition, color and story behind the work make it a leading example of French painting of the time.

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