The Virgin and Child (The Ansidei Altarpiece)

size(cm): 45x35
Sale priceруб13.300,00 RUB


The painting Madonna and Child (The Ansidei Altarpiece) is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, created by the artist Raffaello Sanzio in 1505. This work of art is one of the most important of Raffaello's career and is considered one of the greatest paintings of the 16th century.

The painting is in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC and depicts the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus seated on a throne, surrounded by saints and angels. The painting is a religious artwork and was created to be used as an altar in the church of San Fiorenzo in Perugia, Italy.

Raffaello's artistic style in this painting is typically Renaissance, characterized by precision in rendering detail, perspective, and proportion. The composition of the painting is very balanced and symmetrical, with the figure of the Virgin Mary in the center, flanked by saints and angels on either side.

The paint color is vibrant and light with bright warm tones giving a feeling of warmth and serenity. Raffaello's technique in this work is exceptional, with soft and delicate brushstrokes that create a sensation of softness and harmony.

The history of the painting is fascinating, since it was commissioned by the Ansidei family, one of the most important in Perugia, as a religious offering for the church of San Fiorenzo. The painting was moved to Florence in the 17th century and then to England, where it was purchased by the British art collector, Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the fact that Raffaello used his mistress, Margherita Luti, as a model for the figure of the Virgin Mary. The figure of the infant Jesus is also believed to have been inspired by the son of Raffaello's patron, Atalante Baglioni.

In conclusion, the painting Madonna and Child (The Ansidei Altarpiece) is a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, noted for its exceptional artistic style, composition, color, and technique. The history of the painting and little-known aspects make it even more interesting and fascinating.

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