The Battle Between Alexander and Porus

size(cm): 50x65
Sale priceруб18.800,00 RUB


The painting "The Battle between Alexander and Porus" by artist Nicolaes Berchem is an impressive work that captures the intensity and emotion of an epic battle. The original size of the painting is 111 x 153 cm, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves in the details and intricacy of the composition.

Berchem employs a baroque artistic style that is characterized by drama and exaggeration. The scene is full of action and movement, with soldiers fighting in all directions. The warriors' bodies are twisted and contorted in dynamic poses that reflect the tension and energy of the moment.

The composition of the painting is another fascinating feature. Berchem uses a technique called "action diagonal" to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene. The diagonal line that runs from the lower left corner to the upper right corner creates a sense of movement and direction in the painting.

Color also plays an important role in the work. Berchem uses a palette of vibrant and saturated colors to represent the intensity of the battle. Warm tones of yellow, orange and red dominate the scene, while cool tones of blue and green are used to create contrast and balance.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. The battle depicted in the work took place in the 4th century BC between the Macedonian king Alexander the Great and the Indian king Porus. Berchem drew on historical and literary accounts to create his visual depiction of the battle.

In short, "The Battle between Alexander and Porus" is an impressive work that combines a dramatic art style with dynamic composition and vibrant use of color. The story behind the painting and little-known details about its creation make this work a priceless treasure for lovers of art and history.

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