Study of disappointed or tired souls of life - 1891

Size (cm): 50x85
Sale priceруб21.800,00 RUB


In the vast artistic production of Ferdinand Hodler, "study of disappointed or tired souls of life" (1891) emerges not only as an emblematic work of its author, but also as a visual testimony of melancholy and human introspection. This Swiss artist, recognized for his unique ability to capture the emotional essence of the human condition, invites in this painting a deep reflection on the discouraged spirit and existential wear.

By carefully observing the work, one can immediately notice the disposition of human figures on the canvas. In the foreground, there are four male characters, sitting and wrapped in an atmosphere of hopelessness and dejection. His gestures and postures are eloquent: inclined heads, hunched bodies and absent looks that evade the viewer, trapped in a silent dialogue with themselves. It is evident that Hodler has wanted to convey not only physical exhaustion, but also the weight of an emotional and spiritual burden.

Hodler's artistic composition in this work is particularly relevant. Its symmetric disposition of the characters generates a sense of weight and balance, which contrasts ironically with the sensation of emotional imbalance that their figures transmit. This dialogue between formal symmetry and emotional asymmetry is an aesthetic resource that the painter handles with a mastery, causing the viewer to submerge in the mood of its protagonists.

As for the use of color, Hodler uses a sober palette, with predominant ocher, brown and gray tones, which accentuate the gloomy and melancholic atmosphere of the scene. These colors off not only enhance the feeling of fatigue and disappointment, but also allow a direct approach to the expressions and gestures of the figures, avoiding any distraction that could provide a more vibrant chromatic range. The choice of these tones could well be influenced by Hodler's technique to seek emotional essence through an almost monacal appearance.

It is also significant to mention that this painting It enrolls in a broader current of symbolism, a movement that seeks to explore and represent the deepest and most dark truths of human experience through visual symbols and metaphorizations. Hodler, like other symbolist artists, unravels the human soul, revealing its most tragic and deep aspects. "Study of disappointed or tired souls of life" shares this concern with other works by the artist, who frequently address issues of struggle, suffering and redemption.

Throughout his career, Ferdinand Hodler developed a style that combined detailed realism with a tendency towards symbolism and expressionism, achieving works that not only represented visual reality but also offered a penetrating look at the invisible reality of being. This painting In particular, due to its atmosphere and disposition, it could be placed next to works such as "the night" (1889-1890) and "El Día" (1900), which also explore the extreme mood and the fragility of human existence in depth.

"Study of disappointed or tired souls of life" thus becomes an open window towards the tormented soul and silent pain. It is in this work where the viewer can find not only the sadness and fatigue of life, but also a reflection of its own vulnerability and humanity. Hodler, with its masterful brush, reminds us that the greatness of art resides not only in its beauty, but also in its ability to touch the deepest fibers of the human soul.

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