Family photo

size(cm): 50x65
Sale priceруб18.700,00 RUB


The Family Portrait painting by Gonzales Coques is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting a family from Flemish high society. This painting is a sample of the Flemish Baroque artistic style, characterized by the richness of details, the intensity of color and the elaborate composition.

In this painting, Coques uses a palette of bright and vibrant colors that highlight the elegance and refinement of the characters. Gold and brown tones predominate in clothing and accessories, while the dark and gloomy background creates an atmosphere of intimacy and mystery.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since the artist manages to balance the central figure of the mother with the other characters, creating a feeling of harmony and balance. In addition, Coques uses the chiaroscuro technique to highlight the facial features of the characters and give depth to the image.

The history of the painting is also fascinating, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the family pictured to commemorate an important moment in their lives. Although it is not known for sure who the characters are, it is believed that they are members of the Van den Eynde family, one of the most influential families in Antwerp in the 17th century.

Regarding little-known aspects, it is said that Coques was a very detailed artist and that he spent hours observing his models to capture each of their gestures and expressions. In addition, it is known that he was a great admirer of Rubens' work and that he was inspired by his style to create this work.

In short, Family Portrait is an exceptional work of art that combines aesthetic beauty with emotional depth. Coques' masterful technique, balanced composition, and rich history behind the painting make it a unique and unforgettable piece.

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