Portrait of a Woman

size(cm): 50x40
Sale priceруб14.700,00 RUB


The painting Portrait of a Woman by artist Michiel Jansz Van Miereveld is a stunning work of art that has captivated viewers for centuries. This 17th-century masterpiece is one of the artist's most remarkable, and it's easy to see why.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of the Dutch Baroque, with meticulous attention to detail and a soft brushwork technique. The woman portrayed in the painting is presented in a realistic and naturalistic manner, with a calm and serene expression on her face.

The composition of the painting is interesting, with the woman sitting on a chair and resting her arm on a table. The position of her body and the tilt of her head create a sense of movement and dynamism in the work, even though the figure is perfectly still.

The colors used in the painting are soft and subtle, with shades of brown, gray and cream predominant. The use of light and shadow is impressive, creating a sense of depth and dimension in the work.

The story behind the painting is fascinating as the woman portrayed is believed to be the wife of the artist. Although the woman's name is unknown, it is believed that she was an important figure in Miereveld's life and that the painting was a tribute to her beauty and grace.

Some lesser-known aspects of the painting include the technique used by the artist to create texture and depth in the woman's clothing, as well as the artist's ability to capture the essence of his sitter with stunning precision.

In short, Michiel Jansz Van Miereveld's Portrait of a Woman is a Dutch Baroque masterpiece that has stood the test of time thanks to its impressive art style, interesting composition, subtle use of color, and the fascinating story behind it.

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