Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton

size(cm): 45x30
Sale priceруб12.300,00 RUB


Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton is a masterpiece by the famous Baroque artist Sir Anthony Van Dyck. This painting was made in the year 1639 and is considered one of the most important works of the artist. The portrait shows Sir Thomas Wharton, an English nobleman, seated in a chair with his right hand resting on a table.

Van Dyck's artistic style is evident in this work, with his characteristic technique of loose, elegant brushstrokes, creating a sense of movement and life in the portrayed figure. The composition of the painting is also very interesting, with the subject placed in the center of the image and surrounded by a dark background that makes it stand out even more.

Color is another important aspect of this work, with a rich and varied palette that includes warm and cool tones. The artist used a glazing technique to create a sense of depth and lightness in Sir Thomas Wharton's skin, giving it an almost three-dimensional appearance.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. Sir Thomas Wharton was an English nobleman who had been imprisoned for conspiring against King Charles I. Van Dyck was hired to do his portrait while he was in prison, allowing the artist to get up close and personal with one of the leaders of the opposition to the king.

One of the lesser known aspects of this painting is that it was cut at some point in its history. Originally the image included the hands of Sir Thomas Wharton, but these were removed at some point to reduce the size of the painting.

In short, Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton is a masterpiece of Baroque art, showcasing Van Dyck's artistic style and technique in a masterful manner. The composition, color and story behind the painting make it a fascinating and meaningful work of art.

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