Portrait of Maria Welzer, Née Tänzel

size(cm): 45x40
Sale priceруб14.000,00 RUB


The painting Portrait of Maria Welzer, née Tänzel by the artist Hans Maler is a work that stands out for its elegance and sophistication. Maler's artistic style is characterized by meticulous detail and great skill in representing the human figure, which is clearly appreciated in this work.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the model is in a slightly inclined position to the right, which gives it a dynamic and natural look. In addition, the figure of Maria Welzer is surrounded by objects that complement her, such as the cushion on which she rests her arm and the tapestry that covers the wall behind her.

Regarding color, Maler uses a very rich palette of warm tones, such as gold, brown and red, which gives the work a very welcoming and refined appearance. In addition, the artist uses the chiaroscuro technique to give depth and volume to the figure of Maria Welzer, making it appear more realistic and three-dimensional.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, since it is believed that it was made in the 16th century in Austria, and that the model was a woman from the high society of the time. The work has passed through several hands over the years and has been exhibited in different museums and art galleries.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that it is believed to have been made as part of a set of portraits of the Welzer family, although the other portraits have not been located so far. This gives the work even greater historical and cultural value.

In summary, the painting Portrait of Maria Welzer, née Tänzel by the artist Hans Maler is a work that stands out for its elegance, sophistication and technical skill. Its composition, color and technique make it a work of great artistic and historical value.

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