Portrait of Madame Helleu with an Umbrella

size(cm): 45x35
Sale priceруб13.200,00 RUB


The painting Portrait of Mrs Helleu with an Umbrella by the artist Paul-César Helleu is a work of art that stands out for its elegance and sophistication. This portrait shows the artist's wife, Alice Guérin, holding an umbrella as she poses with a serene and calm gaze.

Helleu's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the beauty and elegance of the society of the time. Using an impressionist technique, the artist achieves great precision in detail, especially in the model's clothing and accessories.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Helleu manages to create a sensation of depth and volume thanks to the position of the model and the use of light and shadow. In addition, the model's umbrella and hat create a sense of balance and harmony in the composition.

Color is another prominent aspect of this artwork. Helleu uses a palette of soft and delicate colors that create an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity. The pastel shades of the model's clothes and accessories perfectly complement the dark background, creating an interesting contrast.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. It is known that Helleu painted this portrait of his wife in 1901, and that the work was exhibited at the Paris Salon that same year. The painting was very well received by critics and became one of the artist's most famous works.

Finally, there are little-known aspects about this work of art that make it even more interesting. For example, Helleu is said to have used his wife as a model in many of his paintings, and to have been inspired by her to create some of his most iconic characters. Furthermore, it is known that the umbrella held by the model in this painting was an object very dear to Helleu, and that it appears in several of his works.

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