Portrait of Mme Waskiewicz

size(cm): 50x55
Sale priceруб17.200,00 RUB


The painting Portrait of Mme Waskiewicz by artist Jules Bastien-Lepage is an impressive work of art that shows the beauty and elegance of the portrayed woman. This portrait was painted in the 19th century and is a sample of the realistic style that became popular at that time.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the woman is seated in a chair with a relaxed and natural pose. Natural light coming through the window illuminates her face and hair, giving her a very realistic and vivid look. In addition, the artist has used a soft and delicate brushstroke technique to create an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity.

The color used in the painting is very subtle and harmonious, with soft shades of brown, gray and pink. The artist has used a limited color palette to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere that emphasizes the beauty of the portrayed woman.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as the woman portrayed was the wife of the artist's friend and patron. The woman is said to have been very ill at the time the portrait was made, giving her a sense of fragility and vulnerability that the artist perfectly captured in the painting.

Overall, Portrait of Mme Waskiewicz is an impressive work of art that showcases the artist's ability to capture beauty and emotion in a painting. The realistic technique used in the work is impressive, and the composition and color create a serene and calm atmosphere that is very attractive to the viewer.

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